βš›οΈAura+ Atoms

Aura+ is the worlds most advanced onchain reward program.

Engage to Earn #E2E and Call To Action #C2A Rewards

Rewards Value: 1 Atom = 1 Atom

Anyone can take part in the Aura+ Rewards Program

Atoms (Points) are rewarded for engagement or calls to action set out as below chart and may be adjusted by the team as deemed necessary. Rewards for Atoms are set out as below chart and may be adjusted by the team as deemed necessary.

Disclaimer: Team has the right to add, edit, remove any specifics within the rewards program at anytime.

Atoms & AtomX Rewards

E2E & C2A Tasks plus AtomX multipliers

1 Atom (Activation Point)

Awarded for daily login to Aura Hub connecting wallet where you wish to stack Atoms (Activation Task*) (Must press activate button)

1 Atom

Awarded daily per login to Aura Discord server with connected account

1 Atom

Awarded daily per Aura Member NFT held in wallet connected to Aura Hub or PCMs (ALL chains)

1 Atom

Awarded daily per project partner NFT held in wallet connected to Aura Hub or PCMs

1 Atom

Awarded for both liking and reposting an Aura Exchange, AuraPartner, AuraAtoms accounts posts on X from user’s social account linked to wallet stacking Atoms

1 Atom

Awarded for commenting positively about Aura on a social post user has already liked and reposted

1 Atom

Awarded to Referrers for each completed task of their Invitee at a ratio of 10:1 (Invitee earns 1000 Atoms then referrer receives 100 Atoms)

1 Atom

Awarded to Partner Project account for each 10x Atoms earned by a Partner Project community member

2 Atoms

Awarded daily per Aura Member NFT held in Aura wallet (ALL chains)

2 Atoms

Awarded daily per project partner NFT held in Aura wallet

2 Atoms

Awarded daily per listing through Aura Hub and/or PCMs

2 Atoms

Awarded for reposting Aura Exchange, Aura Partner, AuraAtoms accounts posts from linked account (2 Atoms per repost)


Awarded for daily login of Aura Hub 7 days in a row (bonus 14 Atoms)


Awarded for daily login of Aura Discord 7 days in a row (bonus 14 Atoms)

AtomX 2x NFT

Multiplier 2x added to every completed task when holding AtomX 2 in wallet stacking Atoms

3 Atoms

Leaving a positive comment about Aura on official X accounts Aura Exchange, AuraPartner, AuraAtoms and AuraExchange Threads account posts (1 comment per post)


Awarded for Daily login of Aura Hub full month (bonus of 90 Atoms)


Awarded for daily login of Aura Discord full month (bonus of 90 Atoms)

AtomX 3x NFT

Multiplier 3x added to every completed task when holding AtomX 3 in wallet stacking Atoms


Awarded for daily login of Aura Hub full quarter, 3 months (bonus of 480 Atoms)


Awarded for daily login of Aura Discord full quarter, 3 months (bonus of 480 Atoms)

5 Atoms

Awarded for each new social media post educating web3 about Aura and must have #AuraAtoms #AuraRewards

5 Atoms

Awarded per offer made on an NFT through Aura Exchange

5 Atoms

Awarded per collection offer made on an NFT project through Aura Exchange

AtomX 5x NFT

Multiplier 5x added to every completed task when holding AtomX 5 in wallet stacking Atoms

10 Atoms

Awarded daily per project partner NFT staking in Aura CryoChamber

10 Atoms

Awarded per new NFT listing on Aura Exchange

10 Atoms

Awarded per new batch listing on Aura Exchange

10 Atoms

Awarded for liking an Aura LinkedIn article from linked account (per article)

10 Atoms

Awarded for sharing Aura LinkedIn articles from linked account (per article)

10 Atoms

Awarded daily per Project Partner Role verified in Aura Discord (eg. 10 PP roles + 100 Atoms per day)


Awarded for daily login bonus of Aura Hub full year (bonus of 3650 Atoms)


Awarded for daily login bonus of Aura Discord full year (bonus of 3650 Atoms)

AtomX 10x NFT

Multiplier 10x added to every completed task when holding AtomX 10 in wallet stacking Atoms

20 Atoms

Awarded for each TikTok video highlighting positive Aura features, products, services and must have #AuraAtoms #AuraRewards

20 Atoms

Awarded daily for chatting positively in Aura discord server - Aura Chat Channel from linked account

20 Atoms

Awarded per listing shared on X through provided link on aura Exchange

20 Atoms

Awarded per listing shared on TikTok through provided link on aura Exchange

20 Atoms

Awarded per NFT purchase shared on X through provided link on Aura Exchange

20 Atoms

Awarded per NFT purchase shared on TikTok through provided link on Aura Exchange

AtomX 20x NFT

Multiplier 20x added to every completed task when holding AtomX 20 in wallet stacking Atoms

25 Atoms

Awarded for each successful sale through Aura

25 Atoms

Awarded for each successful purchase through Aura

25 Atoms

Leaving a positive comment about Aura on Aura Exchange LinkedIn articles (1 comment per article)

25 Atoms

Leaving a positive comment about Aura on Aura Exchange Medium account articles (1 comment per article)

50 Atoms

Awarded for each recorded X Space held with listeners, educating web3 about Aura and must have #AuraAtoms #AuraRewards

50 Atoms

Awarded for each successful β€˜Buy Now’ performed on the Aura Exchange

50 Atoms

Awarded for purchasing AtomX 2 NFT

50 Atoms

Awarded to Partner Project account for each positive social post about Aura from official Partner Project social account

100 Atoms

Awarded daily per LordLabz NFT staking in Aura CryoChamber

100 Atoms

Awarded per NFT Minted through Aura Exchange

100 Atoms

Awarded per offer accepted on an NFT through Aura Exchange

100 Atoms

Awarded for clapping on Aura Medium articles from linked account (50 claps @ 2 Atoms per clap)

100 Atoms

Awarded for each YouTube video highlighting positive Aura features, products, services and must have #AuraAtoms #AuraRewards

100 Atoms

Awarded to Referrer of Invitee who completes Aura Activation Task (per invitee)

100 Atoms

Claimable for purchasing AtomX 3 NFT

100 Atoms

Awarded to a Partner Project account for each of their own Partner Project NFT listed / sold through Aura

150 Atoms

Awarded per NFT sweep conducted through the Aura Exchange

200 Atoms

Awarded to Invitee who completes Aura Activation Task*

500 Atoms

Claimable for purchasing AtomX 5 NFT

750 Atoms

Awarded for each 20 AuraAttack! Polygon NFT game β€˜Target Acquired’ badges earned and burnt, new NFT claimable

1,000 Atoms

Claimable for purchasing AtomX 10 NFT

1,000 Atoms

Awarded as an initial mint Aura+ Reward Card NFT bonus

2000 Atoms

Awarded for buying official Aura Merch from linked account (2000 Atoms per order)

2000 Atoms

Mint an Aura Domain

5,000 Atoms

Claimable for purchasing AtomX 20 NFT

10,000 Atoms

Claimable for purchasing all 5 AtomX NFTs in one wallet

AtomX 50x NFT

Claimable for purchasing all 5 AtomX NFTs in one wallet Allows 1 50x redemption on a non AtomX Atom reward per year

  • Green tasks are LIVE

  • Red tasks are coming soon

  • White/Black tasks are yet to be added (text color dependant on whether dark mode on or off)


  • Atoms redeemed from the connected wallet are automatically deducted from users Atom balance.

  • Atoms are eternally active, ensuring perpetual benefits within Aura+.

  • Atoms collected and spent will be shown on the 'Dashboard' on Aura Hub.

  • Atoms required amounts can be changed per adjustments in value of redeemable goods.

  • Project Partner NFT Tier floor values are shown in ETH , the equivalent value on other chains.

  • Partner Atoms awarded at rate of 1:10 Partner Member Atoms earned.

Last updated